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How To Get Google+ Invitation

How To Get Google+ Invitation

Google announced Google+ project which aims to fix relationship with friends and relatives online through real-life sharing. With Google+ you can group your friends, relatives into different categories and selectively connect and share info with each group.
Google says people use real-life circles to express themselves and share precisely with the right folks. Using Google+ is easy : create a circle, add your friends/relatives and share the information. 

Getting Google+ Invitation

At present Google+ is available on Android market and the mobile web and soon will be available on App Store. Google+ is still on Field trial and you can join it by invitation only.
To get Google+ invitation officially from Google visit This Page,fill & submit your first name and email and Google will invite you to Join there Google+ project. 


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sunita said...

wow..i like dis blog is is very usefull..

sunita said...

hi........can anyone provide me any software for traking people online...............

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